Saturday, December 27, 2008

Conventional Flights Vs. Space Flights

During the hard times of the credit crunch the flight industry is being hit harder than most other businesses, many airlines are losing a lot of custom and many airlines have actually gone bust. However, as many airlines are failing there is one that is still reaching for the stars – quite literally. This week saw the launch of the first Virgin Galactic flight that takes its passengers into a sub-orbit flight around the earth.

The Virgin Galactic flight takes its passengers to the edge of space to experience the absolutely outstanding views of the earth and also gives them a chance to experience the weightless feeling that real astronauts get while in space. The passengers are taken to the edge of space by a rocket powered ship which is taxied by a mother-ship called the White-Knight-Two. The edge of space flight will only be responsible for the same amount of CO2 emissions that come with a New York to London flight.

The Virgin flights have attracted a lot of publicity already and have taken nearly 250 advanced bookings with tickets costing approximately $200,000 per seat. With the popularity of the flights growing so fast, Virgin have called for five more Virgin Galactic White-Knight-Two aircrafts to be constructed in the next two years and are hoping to start a trend with edge of space travel.

With space travel starting to become more available there are alleged plans for a spaceport to be built in America also. This will be one of the main places the space aircrafts will take off and land. So far the new flights have met nothing but positive comments.

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