Saturday, December 27, 2008

Reasons to Travel the World

Everyone dreams of traveling but most people don't do it. Fear keeps most people from traveling. When I first went away in 2006, people always wished they could do what I was doing. For some people it is easy to just jump ship and travel. We have it in us all along and we just need a gentle nudge. For me, all it took was a trip to Thailand and jealousy before I was quitting my job and telling my friends I was going to travel. For others it is a lot harder. They are more tied down, more afraid, more uncertain. They want to do it but, instead the nudge I needed, they need a full on push.

If you are looking for reason, here are eight good reasons to travel around the world:

There's a recession. With the world economy in a tailspin and companies slashing jobs, there is a lot of economic uncertainty in the world. Avoid it all. Go travel. If you quit your job, sell your stuff and travel, you won't have to worry about it. In fact, prices are dropping as the tourist industry tries harder to get people to go overseas. Come back when the economy is better. Let others worry while you go out and have fun.

You meet a lot of people. There is not a day that doesn't go by where you don't meet people from all over the world doing the same thing you are. You'll meet locals who will take you around and open their homes and city to you. What more can you ask for in life than meeting wonderful people and creating a network of friends that encompasses the globe.

It's better than working. Working is work. Sitting behind a desk for eight hours, commuting to work, worrying about bosses and reports is not our idea of a good time. Let's face it, between worrying about next month's budget or sitting on a beach in Asia, everyone would choose the beach. So why are you behind your desk?

It's not as expensive as you think. Everyone thinks that traveling is expensive but it's not. You can travel quiet cheaply by flying low cost airlines, staying in hostels, or with locals who offer your home. Live like the locals and avoid the big resorts, hotels, take local transport, and eat a local restaurants and you will find you will save a lot of money.

You learn about other cultures. The world is a big place and globalization has made it much more complex and interconnected. You'll never begin to understand all the other players in the world or why people do what they do by sitting at home. Traveling will teach you about other cultures and people and make them more than just a face on the news.

You learn about yourself. Travel helps you figure out what makes you you and what you really like or dislike. Forced to fend for yourself, it is do or die. You have to adapt to your surroundings, meet other people, make your own decisions, and plan your life.

You'll make everyone jealous. Let's face it- everyone wants to travel the world but few people do. Do it and make everyone at home jealous of you, your stories, and your photos. While they work all day, you explore the world.

Because, like Yoda said, do or do not. Why spend your life thinking about what might be when you can just do it. It's not that hard to travel you just have to have the will to do it. Don't live life with regrets- get up and get going. NO ONE ever regrets a trip like this. NO ONE.

Traveling around the world is a life changing experience. There's no reason not to go. There is no big secret on why to go. Just go. Even if it's for a week, or a month, or a year. See the world. You only get one chance. Make it worthwhile.

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